Go Tell It On The Mountain

How beautiful to witness the mighty hand of God still working behind the scenes!

The world will not tell you about the wonderful work that God is doing in these difficult, confusing & dark days. 

I believe with all my heart that God is calling his people to prayer as He is shaking the world & bringing many to “repentance & salvation”.

It is time for those who are seeking truth & hope, to hear what the Spirit is saying, and WE, the church, must stand in the gap together in prayer & worship for those who the Father is calling. 

The Holy Spirit is moving in hearts & all throughout the lands, stirring up people 4 revival. 

Let the church wake up from her slumber & rise up in one accord to pray for the lost. 

Father, does not want any to perish, but to have everlasting life, therefore WE must be about our Father’s business:

(1) telling people about God’s love & hope; 

(2) praying for the Holy Spirit to bring the Word of God to all peoples & nations. That many will be pulled out of darkness & brought into God’s marvelous light.

(3) God’s people go out & witness to all those around us. 

The time is at hand, for God’s children to make the stand to be bold and tell everyone “who has an ear to hear” that Jesus loves them!

This world is cold, lost & without hope… what better time that now, to let the world know that they are loved?

The world is hurting, confused and in bondage to Satan’s lies! And the media is the tool that Satan is using to control with fear the hearts of man. 

I believe that God is allowing all these things that are taking place in the world, to shake the people up & cause them to seek Him. (the pandemic, anger, hatred, lies, fear, death, division and etc)

So, what better time than now, to bring God’s truth, God’s message of salvation, hope, restoration & peace to them?

Let’s go tell them that Jesus loves them!


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