Prophets 1/3/2022

 Ladies thank you so much for the invitation last night.

These are my notes from what I took down and could remember.

What I heard in Pentecost meeting last night. 

Let us watch & pray 

1) 2022 Will be the  year of favor from the Lord.

The world has mocked God 4 far too long & now they will see the vengeance of the Lord.

All injustice & wickedness will fall back upon them.

Look for a shaking between mid January to March.

They will meet their maker. (From Bo)

from Manuel 

2) 2022 will be a very bad year for a president Biden. 

The administration l will try to bring back “fear & control” but God says that it will fail.

3) 2022 will be so much favor for the Christians.

God’s people will be processing a lot of land. There will be a transfer of wealth.

Many of God’s people will possess spiritual health & wealth.

The currency & the bitcoin will drop.

It shall be the time to get in.

Many shall become millionaires.God wants to bless His people so that they can give to the kingdom of God for the funding of the gospel, feed the hungry & clothe the naked.

This Generation will receive a financial inheritance.


4) declares that any Weapons formed against us will fail.

Talked about the Hebrew alphabet and of the breath of God, therefore we are the head and not detail. 

We have been redeemed.

from Ruth.

5) 2022 will be a new beginning.

There shall be a showdown for all to see. 

She declares that the pandemic is over.

from Manuel

6) The impossible will be possible this year.

7) Spoke of healing in our mist. Mentioned knees, back & neck.

8) In 2022 there will be a “historical snow” and that will be a stop go.

This historical event would be a good thing because purity & good will come out from that.

9) Keep an eye on the first 3 to 4 months of this year. 

A lot will be happening but do not worry, it will not will succeed.

10) There will be a day shaking. Justice will come.

11) Regarding the Media - They will know me.

12) God says “I have heard my people.

I have seen their tears and there will be a change coming.

13) I’m not done with America . There will be a greater America .

14) your ears will tingle and you will know that I am the Lord.

15) You will see uncommon healing & uncommon wealth.

16) you will hear of rumors of war, but it will come to nothing.

17)  keep your eyes on the East, there will be a  rattling 

18) keep your eyes 

(I think he said Germany)

there will be shaking.

19) Philippines- 

There will be a change 

20) there is a cure for cancer and I will expose it

21) you will see pestilence, but they will not touch your dwelling 

22) they will say “it’s never snowed here before” - it will be a sign 

23) there will be a major shake up of loyalty in the White House 

24) I am not done with America

25) people are asking “when are you coming Lord”.  Not yet. There must be a harvest of souls. Prepare yourself

26) The door of repentance is close to the wicked

from Sheba Johnson spoke on effective & Prevailing prayer.

For prevailing prayer we 1) need to learn about the “wave language”.

That is using mind waves & heart waves.

2) We must learn to focus our mind on the glory realm & it will come into the physical realm.

3) our emotions must align with the heart.

from Manual

For this new year,

God’s people need to let go & let God. 

God wants His people to let go of the pass, 

so they can move forward into the present  & into the new.

Laying of Hands followed


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