
Showing posts from November, 2022

Mansion Over The Hilltop

Image As I sit and enjoy my quiet time just looking around at all the beauty that God has created just for us! I’m reminded of His promise that He’s made a mansion for me just over the hilltop! I’m sitting here with tears of joy, as I reflect on my life, and in my walk with Christ. Too many times I had wandered off from His path, looking for something .. whether it was love, understanding or maybe it was acceptance, I am not sure.  But one day I walked into a church, not looking for God, but there He was waiting for me. And I heard a sermon that opened my heart, and I realized that all that I was searching for, I found right there in that small church! I found love, I found understanding and acceptance, all from One man, called Jesus. He has been with me from that day forward, even in my wanderings, in my back sliding and in my darkest times, He was there. I have often believed that I was alone. But, I just realized this morning, that I was never alone! This ...

Life’s Notes 11/8/2022

I’ve seen God’s perfect work in my backslidden sister last year… it was beautiful, perfect and I was with her as she took her last breath here on earth and into eternity. Amazing love  I didn’t get to be with my brother as he fought hard for each breath he took. His mindset has always been different from mine.  I’ve learned that I don’t have to be like you and that you don’t have to be like me!  That was a breakthrough 4 me. I thought that to fit in and 4 people to like me, I had to be like them. Hallelujah! God is in our midst.  How beautiful it is to watch God opening up the heart of His children… bringing them the wonderful news that their sins are forgiven.. and then watching them come to God… It is not a mystery.. but it is God’s way …  The spirit is calling many out of the darkness to come to the Light.  Amazing grace is at hand 4 all who believe. God is indeed on the move for the lost.  Watch & pray for them! God is calling them out.. one by...