Life’s Notes 11/8/2022

I’ve seen God’s perfect work in my backslidden sister last year… it was beautiful, perfect and I was with her as she took her last breath here on earth and into eternity. Amazing love 

I didn’t get to be with my brother as he fought hard for each breath he took. His mindset has always been different from mine. 

I’ve learned that I don’t have to be like you and that you don’t have to be like me! 

That was a breakthrough 4 me. I thought that to fit in and 4 people to like me, I had to be like them.

Hallelujah! God is in our midst. 

How beautiful it is to watch God opening up the heart of His children… bringing them the wonderful news that their sins are forgiven.. and then watching them come to God…

It is not a mystery.. but it is God’s way … 

The spirit is calling many out of the darkness to come to the Light. 

Amazing grace is at hand 4 all who believe.

God is indeed on the move for the lost. 

Watch & pray for them! God is calling them out.. one by one.. 

The Word tells us that God is married to the backslider. He is calling them.. with mercy & love.. pray 4 them. 

With so much anger & hate in the world today, maybe now is time to search for truth.. everyone has an opinion and everyone has an ear to hear, be careful to know what it is you are listening to and what you stand for! 

Lies, deception, greed and hate is everywhere… it comes in various forms.. media, music, podcasts, athletics, etc.

Everyone seeking truth, but none are willing to know it. There is a way that seems right to man, but the end of it is destruction.. pretty profound.. but it’s truth.

You can find more truths by reading the Holy Bible. The Scriptures were written for us, and it was inspired by the very breath of God. 

Why keep groping in the dark? Why keep listening to every wind that blows by? Check yourself and find the answer as to why you won’t trust in the Word of God.. which is His scriptures for you! 

What keeps you from God?

Is it your pride? Your ignorance? Fear to be different?

Is it too old fashioned? You don’t want to know what is right and what is wrong? 

That’s silly, because people, the media, podcasts and everything else is telling you what to do, what to believe and how to stand and how to vote. 

Think about that 4 a moment. 

As 4 me, I want to know what God says, because I can trust Him! 

God has no agenda, no reason to lie, He is God, there are no lies in Him!

I hope to encourage you to think for yourself, about your life and what is your reason for being here? Ask yourself these questions:

What do I believe in? Who is God? Is He real?

What does my heart tell me about God? 

I love you enough to tell you the truth.. God is real.

He loves you so much that He gave His son, willingly and knowing exactly how much pain it would cause Him and His son.

Jesus did come to earth & left behind Heaven, so that one day you would understand just how much love went into what God has done 4 you and how He wants to have a personal relationship with you!

God has made all things known, but the question is .. do you want to know the truth?

Being good has nothing to do with going to Heaven.. knowing God does…

Love you, but God loves you more!

job leon


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