Judges 13:17-20

“Then Manoah asked the angel of the Lord, “What is your name? For when all this comes true, we want to honor you.”

“Why do you ask my name?” the angel of the Lord replied. “It is too wonderful for you to understand.”

Wow,  Upon hearing that he would have a son, Manoah asked the Angel to stay and break bread. He continues to ask the “angel of the Lord”, What is your Name?

Excellent question! But the revelation of God and His Name would be too much 4 anyone to truly understand! 

Job leon


  1. Very True . God is Absolutely Wonderful

  2. From: Nilka
    Judges 13:18 (FSB): It is too wonderful The Hebrew word used here, peli, elsewhere describes miraculous signs from God (see Exod 15:11; Psa 78:12; compare Psa 77:12, 14; Isa 25:1). Its occurrence here on the lips of the Angel of Yahweh—Yahweh in human form (compare Exod 23:20–23)—provides a subtle connection with the notion that the Messiah would also be Yahweh embodied, since the same term appears in Isa 9:6 (pele yo'ets; “counselor of wonders”).

  3. Prima, loved the breakdown in the Hebrew. Keep sharing!


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