Life Beginnings


“The Word gave life to everything that was created His life brought light to everyone”.

 “In the beginning The Word was with God and The Word is God.

Life exists so that you can co-exist with God’s creation. Think of it as being in the garden of Eden, after the Fall. 

You walk and talk with God, as Adam did. You have dominion over birds, fish, land and created things, as Adam did. God created the heavens and all things to bless you, as He did for Adam.

All that God shared with Adam, He now shares with you. And all that Adam experienced, God wants you to experience too. Such as, God’s faithfulness in providing all, and God’s love over you, just as He had done for Adam. 

Can you recognize these riches in your life? Do you experience the good things along with the sorrowful and painful things with joy and hope, just as Adam had to learn to do? 

God’s character and love remains the same towards all His creation. Blessed are you that God is the same Yesterday, Today and 4ever. 

Life is God’s gift to all. Now, how you live and how you use this gift of life, is up to you!

See, you decide for yourself how you want to live. This “free will” comes at a price and with responsibility. 

Live and enjoy all that God has and wants for you. There is so much more for you to experience! 

You can enjoy Rest in God, there is Peace with God, Joy in God, Self-control, and Love. 

These things are God!  And you have these gifts so you can experience the fullness of God in your life.

These fruits of God do not compare to anything that you can understand them to be like. God is beyond explanation. 

God must be your experience on this journey called life.

God is The Word.

job leon


  1. remembering my family and friends that have gone before me

  2. Lydia keep up sharing God's Word


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