1.ADONAI means lord or master.

2.  It signifies the personal relationship of giving God possession of our lives in willing submission,

3.  Giving us the great privilege and responsibility of being a servant of God.

4. LORD in caps means,  Master / Owner and this (LORD) we see many times in OT

5. Lord in lowercase means, ruler, and this (Lord) we see much more in NT

Moses Walked with the LORD (Adonai)

·    He came to learn and understand the things of God, through his visits with his mother.

·    Remember Moses was raised a gentile (Egyptian).

·    Now God calls Moses to (closer walk) and to serve Him - Just like He has done with you.

Our walk is a continual growth in the Lord.

·       We go from Salvation (heart), 

·       to Transformation (life),

·       to Service (at this point, we choice to make Him ADONAI in our lives and begin to surrender ourselves to Him, allowing Him to become our Master.

 Isaiah Walked with the LORD  Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of Adonai saying, 

“Whom should I send?  Who will go for us?” 

I answered, “I’m here, send me!”

Note, how God does not force Himself on Isaiah, but rather allowed Isaiah to willingly say “I will go?”

This is how our heart looks like when it’s after the heart of God. 

Let us pray for a good, humble and pure heart! Amen 


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