El Elyon

“El Elyon” is the Hebrew name for God meaning, “God Most High .” This term for God can be translated in two different ways: "the Most High God" or "God Most High." Either way, they mean the same thing. God is supreme and deserves all our focus, worship, and praise. “El Elyon” describes God as the One and Only Supreme Ruler who rules not only heaven and earth, but the entire universe and it is His desire to be the “God Most High” in your life. Isaiah 46:9-11 “Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me .” There should not be anything “most high” in your life other than God. Anything other than ‘El Elyon” is sin! Keep in mind that God dealt harshly with Judah and then Israel for their idolatry! He tried to reason with His children by sending warnings and His prophets to help them to see their sin. But they had forsaken their 1 st love and turned to worshipping idols. This is “idolatry.” May we...