Notes on the Names of God
Like Jonah, I tried running away from doing this study. My excuses (because we all have them) were many.
1) it's too hard for me to do,
2) I don't think the study would be very interesting to others
3) this study is too hard for me to
understand, how then can I teach it?
This is how the devil works against us and the work that God wants to do. He will play with your mind and your emotions, trying very hard to make you feel as "you are not able to do God's work", and of course, making sure that you feel "insecure, overwhelmed and unworthy". This is the devil's role in the life of the child of God, who is about his/her Father's business!
Do not think it strange. He's been against you and any work that God wants to do, from the beginning. When
you give in to his bullying and begin to doubt yourself, then you are playing
right into his hand. Therefore, stand, remind yourself of the things God has
done for you and fight against the devil and your flesh.
In and of ourselves, there is no good thing. BUT the power of the Holy Spirit which lives in you, is calling you out to do that which God has called you to do and has prepared you for.
So here I am, after 5 studies, (Elohim, El Elyon, Adonai, El Roi and the Significance of His Name), I would like to share some notes with you. Let's make the devil mad...
The Significance of His Name
When you are introduced to someone you learn their name, but when you get to know them more fully, you realize they are known by many different names. Each name by which we know God unfolds some truth or attribute which becomes a place of refuge for us.
The various names of God given to us in scripture reveals to us, the depth of His Character. For an example;
His Majesty (Psalm 8:9),
His Faithfulness (Psalm 20:7)
His Love (Exodus 3:14)
His Glory (Psalm 148:13)
His Holiness (Psalm 99)
The study of His Name is a personal and intimate study of what God
wants you to know about Him and His character. His names are wonderful and so
important for every believer to learn more about who God wants to become in
their life.
He knows your name and He knows everything about you. Let's draw deeper
and closer as we learn of the names of Our God.
God did not only create in Genesis and ended with the earth, plants, fish, animals, and man. God is creating every day! We see a new sunrise and sunset every day; we see babies being born daily and we still see God changing people's lives and restoring families and relationships.
It is ELOHIM who makes all things new! And it is our Father, ELOHIM who knew you and me before our parents did.
"God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing.
He set the boundary between day and night.
God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing.
He wraps the rain in his thick clouds, and the clouds don’t burst with the weight.
He covers the face of the moon, shrouding it with his clouds.
He created the horizon when he separated the waters".
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