Ducati Gutierrez

My dear best friend went home yesterday. And today he is running about with his brothers;
Lil Man, Rufus and his sister Peggy Sue.

Such sweet sorrow & comfort knowing that he’s himself again, feeling healthy and free. 

He is 13 doggie years on earth but Heaven does not have days or years. There is only eternity!

One can sense when there is something wrong with our best friend .. they are happy to see you and being around the family, but there is something about their eyes, that reflects what they are feeling

Is sickness and death for all of creation? Let’s review all that God created for us. 
Plants and trees can wither and die. 
Animals, birds, fishes and all creeping things also live to die. 
The stars, the waters and the land, the heavens, the seasons, the day & the night, the moon and the sun they are still in place, right?  And these too will pass.

  Scripture tells us, 
that there will be a new heaven 
and a new earth 

Strange to understand that things are constantly 
changing and so are we.    
Children grow up and parents get older. But the good news is that “we are all facing “eternity.” We are traveling here on earth with family and friends. 

It is at times like now, that I understand 
how short life really is. 
We spend it working, making plans, 
enjoying ourselves and all these things are wonderful.

“If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. 
 And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. 
 So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord”
 Romans 14:8   

 But then I see how short life is and wonder 
if we are living life to our full potential?
Or just wandering carelessly, without direction?
Why spend energy in worrying, does it change anything?
Why allow yourself to remain unhappy and bitter? 
Live life! 

A wise person said;
   “The empty place in your heart 
    is the surest sign that you loved 
your dog dearly, and gave 
  them the beautiful gift of a full and happy life”
                                                                       JT Buzzball


  1. Ducati you left a mark with each of us, and we are better humans because of you! Thank you
    You will be missed..

  2. Aww that’s nice mom. So many good pictures.

    1. Thanks Di for sharing your pics!

  3. Awww … That was a good one mom!!!

    1. Thanks Josh for being @ the right place so Ducati was able to come home with you. A true blessing!

    2. Awesome! So touching. Ducati could not have had a better owner. Thank Jesus for the years you were blessed with each other.


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