WORD 4 TODAY - “Put on Jesus”

Matthew 6:33

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, 
and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need”

1. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, 

(this reminds us to daily keep our eyes and mind on heavenly things. 
We live on earth and with all its distractions, chaos and confusion. But these things must not change our perspective, (which is God first)…

2. and live righteously, 
(we are children of God, therefore we are to live like Jesus. 

a. Show kindness …
b. Show patience …
c. Show good to others
d. Show love! The world so desperately needs to see what love looks like…
e. Above all else, let’s show forgiveness …
We should be doing this daily with strangers, neighbors & coworkers …. As well as in our homes!

3. And then God …
will give you everything you need”

Let’s put on Jesus!


  1. Good message n sounds easy to do but for me, so difficult. I try but fail consistently. Maybe that is the reason I lost all that I had n also why I'm in the situation I'm in. Need to work harder!

  2. My dear friend, I too had to get humbled by the wonderful hand of God.
    He stripped away all the things that I was holding on to. Then I realized that I needed God more than anything else in my world .. including home, family and career.
    I then returned to a bible teaching church where it would teach chapter by chapter, and I grew to understand God, his ways and His Word.

    I have been walking on this path for awhile and I am so grateful that God had to strip everything away so I can see my need for Him only.

    Would you like to have coffee and pray together?
    Our God is in the transformation business. You don’t have to do anything. God will you it all just 4 you… as He has done for us all.

  3. This scripture is always my reminder of setting time alone with my Lord 1st. Then, I'm prepared to put other things in perspective to His will.

  4. Well said! Thank you 4 sharing.


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