WORD 4 TODAY - “Delight”

   Psalm 37:3-5

Verse 3
“Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

Verse 4
Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart’s desires”

Verse 5
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
 Trust him, and he will help you”

I heard a preacher once say that this passage gets misquoted so therefore it’s misunderstood…. 
I wholeheartedly agree!

I try to take V4 and make it fit my needs and wants.  In my heart I say “Lord, you say that you will give me the desires of my heart”.
Well then, I desire a home from which I can have more bible studies for your glory .. 

then I ask “and Lord, 
I desire a companion with whom I can serve you, because your Word says “that two are better than one!” (Ecc 4:9) …

Do you see how my heart is not acting nor thinking according to God’s Will, but mine?

If I take the entire passage which is V 3 - 5, it tells me exactly what I should do .. 

1. Trust in the Lord

2. Do good then I will be safe and prosper.  
Wow, I’m blessed!

 V4 reminds me “to delight” myself in the Lord ..

3. This should mean that I am to be joyful and pleased with my Lord, while working to keep Him a priority in my life.

V5 “commit everything to Him and Trust”…

4. God will give me the desires of my heart, according to His Will (not mine, thank you Jesus), in His wisdom and in His time, I will have the desires of my heart!

Father knows best!

Psalm 40:8

I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my heart.”

And Father, every day you give me 
the desires of my heart!  
You watch over my family,
You keep them safe!
You are their God
And You constantly pray for them 
before the Father.
My family belongs to You, 


  1. Yes we tend to miss interpret this scripture n think that if we're good n we continue to serve then whatever we ask for ourselves then we will receive it but it's not the earthly material things that God is offering but it's things from above that He will give us. So why don't we just live right n receive whatever God gives!

  2. Love it! Just keep it simple.


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