WORD 4 TODAY - “dynamite”

Does anyone remember “Kid Dy O Mite”?
How he always told others how great he was and comparing himself to dynamite?

The character is funny, but our God’s Word is real dynamite amen!

Hebrews 4:12

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. 
It is sharper than the
sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. 

It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires”

Does anyone remember JJ Walker’s character in the show “Good Times”

This is the best description 4 the Word of God!
So get excited about what you have hidden in your heart … it’s better than riches, because it will last through all of eternity!


  1. It says that God's Word exposes our innermost thoughts and desires and what's in my heart, my thoughts and desires, they go against the Will of God right now, sin n God's Word don't mix. My heart is not in the right place right now so to get excited about what is hidden in my heart, I don't think I can. Maybe one day I will be able but not at this point in my life. Just being honest!

  2. I appreciate you being open of where you are with Christ.
    The key is to keep learning more about Him. His Word will find you and if you want it will also change you.
    His love has already found you and I know because you just confessed out loud your thoughts and your heart.
    It takes time and a sincere heart to change old ways and learn to walk in His ways.
    Keep seeking 4 Him, keep knocking on the door of Heaven and keep asking 4 more and of Him and His truths!
    We are all His work still in process!

  3. True n positive words, thank you!


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