WORD 4 TODAY - “Each Other”

As much as the world around us tries to lure us into self-dependency, God created us for each other. For community. For a life that’s not alone.

The author of Proverbs said it like this:

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”
Proverbs‬ ‭17:17‬ ‭NIV

We’ll all face hard times—sometimes when we least expect it. But a friend’s genuine care can mean the world, a sibling’s unconditional love can’t be replaced, and a neighbor’s practical help is priceless. 

We need each other more than we realize: emotionally, practically, and spiritually.

If you’ve found yourself in a busy season where you’ve unintentionally neglected your true friends or been too busy for your real family, now is the time to reprioritize.

If there’s unresolved conflict with a friend or family member, and it’s slowly deteriorating the relationship, now is the time to set aside your pride and choose to make things right.

If you’re silently struggling alone, now is the moment to let someone in. 
Give them a call, send them a text, or show up on their doorstep. If you can’t be honest and vulnerable, it will be difficult to get help.

Not only do you need people, but those same people need you.

You have strengths, gifts, talents, and a personality that’s unique to you and beneficial to them—and vice versa. 
Why bury them in the ground, in the name of autonomy, when they can benefit others?

Sometimes we need to ask for help, and sometimes we need to be the help. 
Do you need help, or can you offer it? 
Could you use a hand, or do you have some time, money, advice, or expertise? 

If you’re tempted to self-isolate, don’t forget: we were meant to live life together.

I don't say much about my family, but in the church circle I see parents’ that hide their hurt for their prodigals. There is no shame or guilt in Jesus, only His love and His sacrifice for us all.

I too have a daughter that is gay. She was raised in church, so it comes down to her way or God's.
I pray for these kids that have been snatched up in this sin. They are broken and lost. But some have a heart of stone & want their lifestyle and Jesus too.

It does not work that way. We must surrender!
We are to give up our flesh and our will .. like Jesus gave up His life for us.

Please pray for our prodigals! amen 


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