WORD 4 TODAY - "Keep In Step"

When we trust in Jesus as our Savior, we’re given the gift of grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit. 
To put it simply, the Holy Spirit is God. 
We are given God! 
The Holy Spirit leads, guides, and works in and through us.
There are times when we’re tempted to run ahead of the Spirit. Because, if we’re honest, He’s not always moving as quickly as we’d like. 
We might even question if He’s moving or if He cares. 
That’s why walking with God requires patience.
There are other times when we’re tempted to lag behind the Spirit. Because, at times, He might be guiding us somewhere that might make us a little uncomfortable. 
It takes effort, intentionality, and both physical and emotional strength. 
That’s why walking with God requires courage.
We can keep in step with the Spirit by sticking close to Him—paying attention, talking to Him, reading His Word, and being in community with those who love Him.
Because when we’re committed to sticking close to Him, one thing is certain: 
The Holy Spirit will guide you—every step of the way.
“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”    Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭25‬


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