WORD 4 TODAY - “Wake Up”

America is being mocked, laughed at and challenged. This is true, and as Christian we need to stand in the gap and pray for America.  She is ripe for judgement if she continues in her own ways. 

Father, I lift up my country, America to you today and I pray that this nation, will come to a place of surrender before You and see her shame and her sin, as she has turned her back on You.

I pray also for the Christians in America, that we as children of the “Most High”, would pray for a spiritual revival in the church.
Father, we need to be awakened from our slumber, we need to rise up and stand 4 Your Holy Name and we need to pray for our country and its leaders.

Father, I pray for all Christian leaders in government, to humble themselves and cry out to You, for their hearts to be opened to You for direction and guidance.
I pray that their strength and conviction will not fail and that they will boldly let their lights shine, so that You would be glorified.

I pray for Americans to seek after You for wisdom and truth, in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen


  1. I’ve recently stumbled across your writing through a colleague in our church group. Your writing is so immersive I feel as if I’m back in bible college for a lecture. Please continue to write/ share the gospel with the world. “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ”.

  2. Thank you for your kind words. The Holy Spirit is moving in our midst and we need to shout “the gospel” from the rooftops, til all the world hears.
    Please subscribe to my blog, on the top left side bar, or contact me at jobbaleon@aol.com.

  3. Amen & Amen, Job Leon
    It is a commanding belief in the church today that the false narrative of separation of Church and state should be observed from the pulpit and the body.
    I personally believe this to be a lie from Satan himself.
    Now I know that the greatest responsibility of the church today is to preach Christ crucifixion and resurrected from the dead for the sin of mankind. And to teach the body to live for and in the Holy Spirit, by the Word of God.
    However, if we read our founding documents, we find the principles of our government and our society as a whole, are to be exercised by the authority of the the God of the Bible, known as the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible. And that the God of the Christian Bible is our absolute Authority in the making and in the exercise of the laws of this land.
    Under the authority of our Constitution, the people are responsible, (that includes the Church ) to hold our governments’ feet to the fire. Causing them to submit to God's recognized legal Authority.
    I have a great deal more to say on this subject, but will leave it at that.
    God Bless you & have a blessed day.

  4. Yes we are being mocked, laughed at and most of all we are being dangerously challenged so our nation needs to be up to the challenge n that's why we need to pray for our leaders that they would seek our Lord and ask for His guidance to make the right decisions to protect this great country. Our country was founded on God's Word but we have pushed Him aside and we need to pray for our leaders to bring God back into the hearts of our leaders and let God lead once again. May God bless all!


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