“Kill, Steal and Destroy”

Must share a vivid truth of what happened. Think it not strange when fiery darts come against you.

As our Bible Study group is closing out this year and preparing for the next year study, this is a true picture and warning as to how real spiritual warfare is!

I am writing this as it happens and I could not make this up even if I tried. Please let me know what your thoughts are.

On this day, a soul brings by the order of apples that were ordered and purchased. She is excited and pleased to be able to bless others.

A few hours later she is confronted and told that the apples which they had ordered were this and that. 
Aww, the soul is surprisingly taken back and can not understand what happened. 

Now a few hours go by and the soul has had time to think over what went wrong.. absolutely nothing!
So the soul seeks God’s direction and inquires why is her kind deed being attacked?

“Let me make amends”, says the soul. I will return their money so we can keep the unity of sweet fellowship and be patient with one another because of love.

Just as the soul is in the process of correcting this misunderstanding, another fellow comes by to say that their order of apples was short, and how badly they feel about having to say something like this.

Having heard this, the soul cries out, “what is going on?” I know that I counted correctly, and as a matter of fact, I even added an extra one!

The soul immediately says that “the shortage will be taken care of and please forgive this mistake and by morning you shall have the difference”.

Everyone is happy! The soul is working extra hard not to be offended by these things and repeats the words, “the Lord knows my heart.”

A few hours later, the soul receives a call. “I am so sorry that I mistakenly said that my order of apples was short. What I just found out was that one of my children came by and took some apples home with them.

The following morning I cross path with the soul.
We both agreed how quickly and cunning the devil is to come to “kill” the character of the soul. 
It tried using lies, but those flames were quickly put out and the misunderstanding was quickly covered with love and resolved.

The devil came as an Angel of light “to steal” the good witness and testimony of the soul. But the soul drew close to God and cried out to the Father rather than allow the devil to enter her heart with resentment. 

The wise soul would not allow anger to come and “destroy” her kind deed that was done in love for the brethren. With her own hands and her labor of love, the devil’s tactics were stopped! 

This is a true story and written to show you how your enemy works. 

Everything that is good, the devil wants “to destroy.” 

Anything that brings glory to God, the devil wants “to steal.”

Anyone that is close to God, the devil wants “ to kill” that relationship and bring spiritual death between God and His child.

There isn’t anything new under the sun. Satan was there in the garden of Eden and brought spiritual death between God and Adam. 

Satan is still after God’s children. Why think it strange? Does not the Bible tells us that the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy?”  John 10:10


  1. Amen!I truly understand and will not allow Satan to rob me of my joy or purpose this Christmas or any day! Our God came to the world to give life abundantly. John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.For God didn't send His son to condemn the world, but that through Him might be saved.Thanks Sister Lydia for this awesome reminder


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