My Journey - “2022 - 2023”

God Speaks

1. Go 2 Di’s
2. Stay in the Spirit 
3. I learned forgiveness now continue to 4give
4. Stay positive at all times & do not allow aging to get into my heart. (angry, nosey, bitter, hateful)
5. Keep praying & travail 
6. Continue 2 learn how 2 listen & when 2 speak
7. Okay for those who care to suggest ideas 4 me.
8. Overlook & pray for bad attitude in others
9. Do not let other’s bad behavior stress me or 
discourage me or cause me to be looking down 

I’m selfish (attitude), stubborn, rebellious.

For 2023 practice more sensitive & more serious about heavenly things.

“My Heart Speaks“
1. Confirmation of my hearing loss. Lord I apologize to you for the wrong accusation to BP & SJA employees. 
I was wrong.

2. Lord help me to allow my Faith to increase as I rest in You .. may my Trust in You abound within my spirit… may my patience & confidence remain steady & grounded in You. 

3. I need to accept my life & aging. 

4. You took me out of my idea of the triathlon for my own good.  I say “Thank you” Lord

4. I have walked with You long enough to know, understand and see how You always Provided for me.
You are generous with Love, Grace, Mercy and even money towards me. 

Thank you Lord, my God and my husband.
I will follow wherever you Lead. 
With excitement & wonder I will wait on You for 2023.

12/17/2022.    8:45 AM
Had a dream of My Lord and we were at Westin & receive this huge office with the windows on both sides with a few pieces of furniture, (white tea cups set & Small white Cabinet drawer).
I was shown the office by an employee were an exit entry was shown & I see My Lord walking towards me.
As Im trying to close the door, I asked him how his mother was and He didn't reply. I looked over and He was really sad and said it was "just a matter of time".
I got sad.
He tried to lift my head up to look into my eyes, But I stubbornly didn't look up.  I was in His Sweet presence 

Valentine's Day, 2023 Lydia don't allow yourself to be bored and the signs are you'll get on the computer to play instead why don't you pick up a book or the Bible and study and only use TV to unwind after 7 PM that way you don't get caught up in all the junk yeah, mind is not filled with things that are not good, noble or 

This year projects 
VG Bible Study
JLeon Prov 1
VG Booklet
Born Crucified Study

“My Heart Cries”
I’m sad because I’m alone .. no family..
Not lonely for company as much as 4 family.

I’m wrong about CCC .. do not draw back .. this is what Satan would love .. rather step back because you’re slowing down physically & with training your body is sore & tired. 
This is why you’re angry at knucklehead ..
4give Nabal .. can’t speak to him 4 Nabal will not change.  CCC is home, stay on track & don’t be deceived. They love you! 

You’re in a winter season of life right now & new season is coming. Endure with grace!

Satan is so mad @ the work being done @ Village Green. 
I AM with you, do not be discouraged (thinking I don’t see your struggle).
Do not be dismayed (thinking you did wrong).

Lydia, you are in a dark & difficult spiritual battle.
1. This is why you feel alone …
2.  This is why finances seem difficult 
3.  And this is why friends are withdrawn 

I AM have spoken it and I AM with you. 
1.  Continue standing in the gap 4 Village Green 
2.  I AM doing a new thing among the people there and hearts are being lifted out from the darkness and into My light. Their souls are being blessed by your obedience in this work.
Your sacrifice and the price you pay are not in vain.
3. Lean on Me, I AM is all you need and the fruit of this labor, you are seeing ..  remember Barbara’s smile & gratitude … Dianna going to Easter service..
these are your prayers being answered …
4. Don’t think nor look at the physical .., rather look thru spiritual eyes ..
5.  Read Timothy as your devo in this season and let Me continue to use you for My good pleasure .. 
6.  Trust Me and draw close, nothing will hurt you … 4 you are My beloved …

For Adonai recap 
El Elyon as God Most High was 1st mentioned in Genesis.
We had a glimpse of Joseph’s life as God was The Most High in his life as he endured life with all the heartache, betrayal, jealousy, false accusation and being forgotten.
The story of Joseph is an excellent example to all Christians on how to live our lives in Christ.

Lydia after your Covid exposure in Nov 2019 
you were instructed by ER to F/up with your Dr & you did not. I later said it was asthma related due to Covid.

You need to keep an eye on this .. and begin your inhaler as soon as you sense you’re getting sick… need to prevent asthma attack.
Lydia, listen and heed…

Psalm 71:9 
Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.
Psalm 92:14 
They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing

7/30 Sun @ 7:30pm slight chest tightness. Sat up and took deep breaths (@ CCC)

7/1/9/2022 Mon @ 11:30 felt trouble swallowing & heavy breathing.
Drank cold water & took inhaler - 2 wrong & 1 correct (must push from bottom). At home. 
Last attack on 7/4.

Thus says the LORD

Oct 2023 
hand out booklet
assign chapter 
add date in Dec
Vision - preparation 4 Spiritual Warfare study 2024

Dec 2023 
do “My heart Christ”s home”
15 mins - each lady & chapter (= 1 hr 1/2)

Announce Spiritual Warfare is Topic - 2024
Review format 
Hand out assignment packet
Put study together
Find scripture (s) to go along with study

Hand out new 2024 Study & Prayer calendar

Take a summer break Jun - July
Praying about Holy Spirit Study

James 1:2-4
Faith and Endurance
“Dear Lydia, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. (opportunity)

In my journal I find answers for this 2023 journey.
1. Resting you
2. Preparing you
3. Teaching you
4. Washing you
5. Refreshing you

2023 I said it would be very difficult. Now you see why it was important for you to rest, to be still, and to know of Me.
You have kicked vs My voice. You have sinned vs Me.
Will you now listen & let Me ..teach you?
anoint you ? .. and train you for battle in 2024?
11/20/2023 @ 10:10pm

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 
(you know that I am testing you to make you stronger & developed for SW in 2024.
I have given you the “lesson”
you have “My holy spirit” (leading, announcing & might” and you have the audience. “Give them My Word”

So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing (preparing you for the new year’s race - 
“run well for you have all you need & lack nothing.”

2023 journey’s blessing 
1. You saw their physical pain
2. You experienced their physical pain
3. You loved on them and they saw Me
4. Fruit is coming forth
5. Everyone (VG and CCC) .. 
(a) Is talking about Me ..
(b) They can see .. that I AM in their midst
(c) Many know that I AM moving in this place 
(d) The light has come to this place .. pray for true repentance & change of hearts
(e) Though you stumbled, hesitated and was frustrated with this journey, I overlooked it all, for My Name sake.
(f) Now rest .. learn from Me .. I will be with you in 2024 .. Do not be afraid  for I go before you as I have done many times before. 
Just listen for my Voice, follow My instructions, and you will see great things.
Put your trust in Me completely .. you will not be burned, you will not die .. and My work will glorify Me. Take My hand and follow Me. 
11/20/2023    10:25pm

11/21/2023. 11:10am
Your mind is the enemy.
You have allowed satanic attacks to enter into your mind, causing thoughts of death & suicide to dwell in my place!   (rebuke )
I give life .. my joy gives strength … my grace is sufficient … why are you not trusting in Me? 

This season is from Me, not to punish (as the enemy has made you believe). But I am creating a new thing for 2024 and I am preparing & anointing you for it.
Therefore, Rest in Me, for “I AM” with you. 11/20/3023

11/22/2023 2:34pm
Day 1 - for Lydia
Yes indeed, I feel free! 
Not walking around with my head down, 
but standing firm. 
I added to my circle and it’s been a cleansing & 
a healing! PTL
But I want more of it!  so back into the closet 
I will go for our 3 day commitment.
I want to experience what Job did..

Job 23:10 
“But He knows where I am going. 
And when He tests me, I will come out as pure as gold”

Talking to you so You would remind me whatever is said tomorrow; it’s not the final answer!
You are walking this new beginning with me And you’re gonna bring me through this.
You will bring people into my spectrum and by Your Spirit YOU will show me how to manage this new work.

I will put my trust in my God, “Jehovah, I AM”
12/5/2023  12:12pm


  1. Wanting to share my journal entry to show how I handle my struggles and challenges. I write, I seek guidance and help from my Father. He answers, leads and is with me every step of the way.
    I know that we may be different in how we get through life, but the
    one common denominator that we all do have is Jehovah -
    Jireh (provider), Rophe (healer), Nissi (banner), Shalom (peace), Sabaoth (fights my battle), Rohi (shepherd), Tsidkenu (my righteousness), Shammah (Ever Present), El Shaddai (God Almighty), Adonai (LORD), El Elyon (God Most High), El Ohim (Creator) “I AM”... YAHWEH

    He is whatever you need Him to be for you today!
    And the One certainly is that without Him .. we can do nothing.


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