My Heart, Christ’s Home?

This year we learned more about God’s character in our study “The Names of God” ..

It is fitting that we close out this year with a look at our house - after all, it is the temple of God, or is it?

This short booklet …
“My Heart, Christ’s home … 
is about sacrifice, denial, and love.

The very 1st room that Jesus enters is the study room of your heart. It is here where those things that you ponder are on display. The books, magazines and pictures that you allow in this room are also on display.

Taken back by this uncomfortable feeling, the resident asks Jesus to help clear out this study with all its distractions. Quickly Jesus, replaces those things with bible study books on the bookshelves, the Bible is put on the coffee table next to the fireplace. The pictures on the wall are also replaced with bright colors and lively scenery.

Jesus then enters the dining room. Waiting to see what is served, Jesus asks, “What things do you delight in, and what appetites do you have? What foods do you enjoy?”

The resident not knowing how to answer says,  “I did not know that you would want to sup with me”.
I am sorry that I do not have anything to offer you.

Feeling ashamed the resident now asks, Jesus to change his bad eating habits and fill him with new and clean appetites. Excited about the request, Jesus fills his heart with a new menu. Monday night is “Mens’ study, Thursday night is “prayer night” and Sunday is “worship and fellowship” with God’s people.

The resident is filled with joy at the work done in his heart and how nicely it is becoming Christ’s home!

At the top of the staircase there is a closet. Strangely enough it is locked with a key. As the resident and Jesus reach the top of the stairs, Jesus asks. “What is that odor? It seems to be coming from that closet.”

“Oh” says the resident. “That is where I keep old stuff” he says with a red face. Jesus again says, “there is a foul odor in there. Don’t you want to get rid of it”?

Feeling embarrassed and reluctant to open the door, the resident admits the truth. “I still am holding on to some things that I don’t want You to know of or see.”

Jesus looks at him with eyes of compassion and says, “I have come to set you free. My love for you is greater than what is in there. Can I have the key and would you allow Me to clean out this room.”

“Yes,” he shouts with gladness to be released from these hidden things, and quickly the resident hands over the key!

Aww, with a clean heart and a new dwelling place, both the resident and His Guest now enjoy sweet fellowship.

Let’s pray……
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love


  1. Yes, with the clean heart, may we not be insubordinate to the Lord may we walk in reverence into the Lord and thank you God that we are growing we are maturing in you, father God help us always to look up and help us to go forward help us not to worry about what others think at times it can get hard But knowing that you’re gonna work everything out for our good father God and thank you so much for loving us help us to uplift each other encourage each other. Be there for one another and pray for each other and Jesus name amen thank you so much for the devotion really good. God bless you ladies ❤️🕊️🌹


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