“We All Go The Way of Grace”

     Proverbs 21:22
“Whoever pursues righteous and unfailing love will find life, righteousness and honor”

Father, Elohim, 
“Thank you” 4 putting your wonderful creation together for all to enjoy and be rich by it all.

Today in LA it has been raining, which is one thing we do not get much of .. but I “thank you” for it.

It’s a time of slowing down. 

It’s a time to sit and be still in the comfort of a warm home with family.

I “thank you” Lord for the newness that comes with rain. It washes our soul and our mind. 

We can take time to be still and reflect on where I AM .. where am I going .. and how to get there.

The rain brings us to a stop and a moment to care about family, to look at ourselves and a chance for change, if needed.

The rain heals the soul and lights it up with hope and freshness. 

It’s a bath from head to toe that relaxes my spirit with the feeling of cleansing within me.

Take time to enjoy this amazing season! 
job leon


  1. From Yolanda Garcia

    He now has his wings 🪽 Toby Keith u will always be a celebrated cowboy!

  2. Thank you sister for sharing what rain dies . Let's remain grateful on God's creation and rain. We don't need to Fear rain like the media is showing. We are God's creation...and the rain is a time to slow down and reflect on His goodness if we choose too.

  3. From Maggie

    Amen! Wash my soul Lord. I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered 🙌🏽


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