Word 4 Today - “Cling”

Cling is to hold fast to; do not let go; keep close.

Let’s look at scripture for examples where the word “cling” is referenced and let’s ask how can I apply it to my life.

Luke 8:15 - taken from the parable about the farmer, the seed and the soil …. 

“But the good soil represents honest, good hearted people who hear God’s message, cling to it, and steadily produce a harvest.”

Here we see a good lesson in hearing the Word.
In Luke 7:9-15, we are given a picture of people all listening to a message. We know that here Luke is speaking about spiritual things, but let’s also consider it as being in a godly counsel setting, maybe a group study, a classroom or a business meeting, etc.

In other words, the lesson can be applied in many areas of your life. Whenever there is a message of hope or  truth that will change your life, there you will find, that how you listen will determine what you heard.

1. You can hear it and allow it to be taken from you and prevent you from believing what you heard.

2. You can hear it with great joy but don’t build on it, so when you are tested on what you heard, you will find that you can not stand.

3. You can hear and accept the message, but then quickly the things in your life crowds out what you learned and accepted, but now you find no value in what you heard.

The apostles asked Jesus, “why do you always tell stories when you talk to the people?”

“Then Jesus explained to them, “You have been permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others have not. 

To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge.

But to those who are not listening, even what they have will be taken away from them.”
Matthew 13:10-12

Cling to Strong relationships 
Cling to Good influences 
Cling to God in times of trouble 
Cling to Truth - these days good is called evil
Cling to Love - it reflects Christ
Cling to God’s Word, for it will keep you
Cling to Wisdom from above
Cling to the Holy Spirit that teaches you
Cling to your walk in Christ 
Cling to what is good and trustworthy 
Cling to godly character - you are unique in Christ 


  1. I believe that if u want to understand what the Bible teaches u have to be a fully devoted Christian who is in constant prayer n reads the Bible constantly n asks the Holy Spirit to help n teach them what the Word is saying to him or her. If ur not doing that ur not gonna learn nor r u gonna understand what u r reading, I know this to be true from my personal experience. God wants His followers to know Him n live according to His teachings but we have to be 100% in, so to speak, or we will learn nothing. As to why only the devoted Christian can understand the parables n teachings is beyond my knowledge. Why Jesus won't allow a non believer to understand, I'll never know but He has His reasons n I cannot dispute them. One thing I feel about this is I would think that He would want everyone to understand His teachings so hopefully they will learn n follow but that's not the case n like I said I cannot dispute His reasons. So now that we have that special opportunity to learn His Words we need to get a grasp of those Words n hold on to them throughout our days n try to live our lives each day accordingly always thinking of what He has taught us. Thank u for today's Word!


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