Sin Is Costly

True story of this week’s conviction.

Okay 3/28 surgery has been cancelled! Feel better now that I am being obedient to You O Lord.

Father, I am sorry for wanting once again to have my way, even when You had already answered my prayer and said “NO” to this surgery.

LORD, I ask You to not only forgive me, but to teach me again, that to You, “Obedience is far better than Sacrifice,”  Amen

As for me, Father, I am reminded when Your Holy Spirit warned me a long time ago of sin in my life AND You even had a sister in the Lord confront me about that sin that I was not ready to let go. 

I was rebellious, foolish and stubborn in wanting my way, and You let me have my own way, after the Holy Spirit had been striving with me for a long time to bring me out from this sin, 

You are an Amazing, Loving and Gracious God that saved me from this sin AND did not allow me to die in it! 

This is what happened when I did not listen to the Holy Spirit and I got my way;

(1) I ended up back in Egypt AND

(2) I was in bondage for 13 years.

This secret sin that I didn’t want to let go of, costed me 13 years of my life! All because of my disobedience and unwillingness to turn away from sin!

Sin is costly and it takes you where you never thought you would go.

Thank You O gracious Father for bringing this ugly but true remembrance of my disobedience back to me! 

It feels good to obey and to now understand the seriousness of sin and it’s price! I lost much more that 13 years, but I am so grateful to have learned this valuable lesson.
Thank you..

O Lord, I don’t ever want to go backwards, only forward even if it is at a slow pace!  Amen

Moral of this story … the Forgiveness of God came at a great price, and that was the horrible death of our Savior Jesus Christ! 

Jesus with much anguish and joy went to the Cross at Calvary for me and you! 

Let us be careful to NOT abuse such wonderful Grace. Amen,
job leon


  1. I don't know if the surgery was absolutely necessary or if you were better off not to have it, but it looks like u received ur answer already but u didn't trust Him n proceeded to pursue surgery. Maybe u weren't sure at that time so u pushed for surgery but eventually u realized God knows best n His answer was no so u ended up obeying His voice n here we are n i know ur choice was the right one. U understand that when we choose our way over His way it never works. Sin that we hold on to will destroy our lives n the lives of others that we share our lives with. We can't be living a life of sin n expect a good outcome, I say this because I have always lived that life. Just like the scripture says, the good that I want to do, I don't do, but what I don't want to do, that I do. That's me! I know what ur talking about but u opened ur eyes n saw the answer that u were looking for, better a little late than never. Keep moving forward sis! Much love ❤️!

  2. Thank you Anonymous for your insight.
    I appreciate your honesty of how you lived your life. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I pray that you are born again and are now a believer!
    The blessing of being a new creation in Christ is that we will continue to grow and mature in the ways of God through reading and hearing God’s written Word.

    Those things that we used to want to do and could not, in time, we will find ourselves doing, because God is working in us and the Word cleanses us from our old thoughts, speech, behavior and attitudes.
    The Holy Spirit working in us will transform us!

    Then we begin to die to our fleshly desires and our selfish ways!
    Now our new spiritual man begins to grow and we learn to love what God loves and to hate what God hates!

    God’s amazing love is being perfected in us as He continues to transform us.
    Again, thank you Anonymous and I know that you will experience more of this wonderful work in your walk with Christ. Maranatha


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