The Arrival of Miss Camila Penelope Gutierrez

Dear Camila, well it’s 11pm on Thursday, 3/7/2024 and it seems like you are getting ready to make your grand entrance!

Both Dad and Mom are exhausted and anxious to meet you! Since 1am this morning you have been making your way down and out.

Today at 3pm your parents and grandparents came to Queen of the Valley Hospital in West Covina where they found out that Mom was @ 5cm.

Wow, since then you have been busy!

At 7:30pm I arrived at the hospital and went in to see your Mom and Dad. Wow, they have had a long day and both look very anxious, scared, excited and tired - all the wonderful emotions that only parents would understand.

I could hear your heartbeat and your Aunt Marlene and Grandma along with your Auntie Di were there in the room already. O what joy is in the air along with the anxiety of waiting. 

At about 9pm the doctor came to help you by breaking your water bag. It helped to move you down somewhat. 

Now at 11pm I went back in to check on you and Mom.
But you are at 9cm and not ready yet.

At 11:30pm we got word that you are at 10cm and the doctor wants to get you going. So now you and Mom will need to get to work. You two girls will now be a team to make this last leg of your journey.

Stay strong and soon you will meet Mom and Dad.

 Meanwhile, out here in the waiting room we are taking bets on if you will be here on the 7th or on the 8th. 

Okay my sweet Camila, I will soon get the chance to meet you. Have a safe journey coming into this world as we all are excited to see you!

❤️ grandma 

Well my dear, you’re coming. You have a full head of hair is what your Daddy is saying.

Mama has been pushing for almost 45 minutes and now your crown shows. It’s 12:20am on Friday, March 8, 2024. 

You have Grandma M in the room with you and your parents. So soon you shall arrive into this family that has loved you from the very beginning!

Okay it’s 2:30am and the doctors want to do a 
C-section because you are having trouble coming out.
Dad and Mom will be with you now as the doctors get to work.

Grandpa & Grandma along with Auntie Di and myself will be here at the waiting room waiting to see you soon.

Well my little princess, it’s about 3:10am and you have arrived!

What a wonderful moment in my life, to be here to see your first few minutes of life outside the womb and the joy in the faces of your Mom and Dad!

6lbs 3oz 
19 1/2 long

You are beautiful Camila… welcome into our world!


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