Word 4 Today - “Constant”

4/13/2024 “The Battle Belongs To The Lord” Wow, this year has been one of “constant” this and “constant” that! Do you also feel the pressure of not getting a chance to breathe? It has been a roller coaster ride for the last 6 months, and it is not slowing down! It is like the time watch has been set and everything is moving quickly. You can feel it in the air that we are in a race and there is no slowing down. Is everything moving faster than it has previously? What do you think is happening? Daniel 7:7-8 “The fourth beast was stronger and more terrifying than the others. Its huge teeth were made of iron, and what it didn't grind with its teeth, it smashed with its feet. It was different from the others, and it had horns on its head—ten of them. Just as I was thinking about these horns, a smaller horn appeared, and three of the other horns were pulled up by the roots to make room for it. This horn had the eyes of a human and a mouth that spoke with great ar...