My Grace is Sufficient

My grace is sufficient for the ministry that I have called you to. 

Lydia remember how I spoke to You in Israel .   

Today, I am able to look back (Baalam) and understand the physical, the challenges, the attacks and the Call.
Thank you Father for answering my questions, my prayers and all that is hidden in my heart.

“you are Mine servant and mouthpiece - do not be afraid and do not shy away.”

This explains; the difference I walk & talk in, the battle, people not hearing. In Deu 31, Moses tells them that they are rebellious and stiff neck.

They are My sheep, stubborn (not listening), 
hard-hearted (regarding their heart) 
and rebellious (for their own way).
My sheep are protected and cared for 
but they are not without spot and blemish. 

You will …
1) teach them to work out their own salvation AND their own spot and blemish

2) pray for those whose intent, is to divide, to exalt themselves or come against Me, through coming against you. - Titus 3:9

3) always be thankful when the Spiritual man out runs the fleshly man! PTL

But who am I that Your eye is always upon me?

Lydia, you are My anointed and My grace for the ministry. At this time, you are doing My work at Village Green. There you will:
1) mentor the young women (Eddie, Deborah, Margarita and Dee). 

2) Encourage Margarita for the Spanish work and train her on how to mentor My sheep (Monica, Liz and Eddie). 
“If faithful in the small things more will be given”

3) you are My “disciplinarian” servant, one that corrects with My Word. Bring My Word as you teach and mentor so that the Light will shine on sin.
Healing and transformation can be theirs, if they desire it.

Father, thank you for this love letter! I am in awe, humbled and mostly taken back by Your words.
Yes, I am afraid. 
Yes, I am not worthy. 
Yes, I will serve You with all my heart and soul.

Father, one thing I would like to ask? 
Will You bring someone special into my circle, that I may be able to share You words, Your ministry and my heart with?

I know I have Blanca .. Paula .. Aurelia. 

Father, I am so thankful for Your strong and faithful women You have placed in my life.  But Father, is there one that is more spiritual and less human? 

I am afraid to cause jealousy, envy or strife. This is according to Your Word. So I am asking for a special person with whom Your Spirit is with ..  (like a Joshua or a Caleb).

You just answered… thank you. Go before me when I open my mouth. 


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