The A B C’s of LIFE

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

How do you answer the question?

1. Loss makes humans consider how fragile relationships can be.

a. Do not take one another 4 granted.

b. Do not be jealous 

c. Do not let anger into your heart

d. Be ready to always let things go

e. Enjoy life and rejoice in ALL times .. easy, sad, hurtful and in loss

f. Forgive .. it isn’t hard to do when you know that it is good to forgive 

g. Learn to be content with what you have .. Be grateful … and 
find “joy” where you are and in the things you do have.

h. Give .. share God’s wisdom 
1. give of your time
2. give of your abundance
3. give an ear
4. give good counsel 
5. remember the unloveable 
6. prayer

i. A healthy attitude 

j. Beauty, find it in the things you see and do

k. Laugh. It’s good medicine and if you learn to laugh at yourself, you will see others more clearly

l. Love is giving of yourself. Don’t hold it too closely or you will find yourself alone

m. Respect and care for others but start with you

n. Kindness travels far

o. Words are too powerful to use in anger

p. Live right and your end will be peaceful and good

q. Allow healing for your mind and body. Know when to get away and understand when you need to slow down 

r. Sing and dance - these help keep you balanced

s. Smile. Always put your best foot forward. It will not serve you to be unhappy 

t. Live today as if there is no tomorrow 

u. Believe 

v. Aging is hard work

w. God is first, everything else will follow

x. Life is free but should be handled as a privilege. Then you 
will understand how precious it is

y. Food, drink and people handle with care

z. None is higher than God ………. not you, your intelligence or your pride


  1. From Lupe A
    Beautiful, thank you! But I don't get letter y. šŸ˜• It says: Good, drink and people handle with care. šŸ¤·šŸ»‍♀️

    Sorry, it should read, food. Thx

  2. Thank you for sharing beautiful reminders. God first...the rest will flow to keep joy in our souls. šŸ„°

  3. From Trina
    What a beautiful reminder

  4. Awesome words to live by. Put God first, be thankful for what u have n for being alive, don't take anything for granted, be kind to all people, live with love in ur heart,thank God for everything. Awesome instruction...thank you!

  5. From Trina
    You’re so strong tia the way you carry yourself and just face your emotions head on
    I admire that about you. You said it so perfectly she’s at peace resting now
    but I will keep Dianna in my prayers as well and Josh
    love you guys always šŸ¤

    1. Aww, Trina what you see in me is “the joy of the Lord who is my strength”.
      It is because of God that I am strong & comforted. Only in Him can I find peace.

      I have learned in my later years, that neither drugs or alcohol can do what God does in our lives, as beautifully as God can!
      And that’s the truth….
      Thanks baby and I love you šŸ˜˜

  6. Amen content in all circumstances

  7. Thank you for sharing, Lydia. You are a beautiful example of loving others because of your love for God. You always encourage me to go to scripture, learn, and live my life in this world for my Savior. Love you, Lydia!


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