Witness - Hebrews 12:1


“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, 
1. let us lay aside every weight, 
2. and the sin which so easily ensnares us, 
3. and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1

Think for a moment about those people who you know that have gone before you, walking in the light.

Light is used to expose, shine attention to;

What can easily ensnare you to turn from doing what is right?

Well, for me it’s “pride”.
I have struggled with this since I first learned about it. 

The Bible teaches that God hates “pride” therefore, I should too.

For now, I see myself working on this wrong attitude and ugly behavior (pride), because I can finally see it in me, and I want to change it so that going forward I can recognize it. For this reason I am confessing it now.

“Father, thank you for allowing your children to recognize what needs to be changed. Attitudes and bad behaviors come from our own wicked heart

Jeremiah 17:9 ….
“The heart is 
1. deceitful above all things, 
2. And desperately wicked; 
3. Who can know it?

We are one another’s witnesses as to how much we will allow the Holy Spirit to work in us.

So what weight (shame, guilt, burden) do you need to release?

What sin easily ensnares you?

Go the the Father, who with open arms is full of mercy and grace and is willing that none should perish .. John 3:16

There at the Cross you will find whatever you need, that you may continue to run this race! 
In Jesus’ Name it is done!


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