Had a great “70th” birthday. Damn, how did I get here? But I am thankful for my wonderful life and my family! My cup overflows with gratitude and blessings from God, as I get to share in your adult lives and get to cheer you both from the sidelines.. What a blessing it is to get this far in life and still enjoy making memories with y’all. My cup is full as I now have new family members; Janette & Camy, Jo, John and Erika. Let us daily thank God for His love towards us and may we continue to fall in love more with one another. My “Blessings” from above “The Lord gives both death and life; He brings some down to the grave but raises others up” 1 Samuel 2:6 “He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother” Praise the Lord! Psalm 113:9 “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken” This is Josh at the same age as his munc...
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? How do you answer the question? 1. Loss makes humans consider how fragile relationships can be. a. Do not take one another 4 granted. b. Do not be jealous c. Do not let anger into your heart d. Be ready to always let things go e. Enjoy life and rejoice in ALL times .. easy, sad, hurtful and in loss f. Forgive .. it isn’t hard to do when you know that it is good to forgive g. Learn to be content with what you have .. Be grateful … and find “joy” where you are and in the things you do have. h. Give .. share God’s wisdom 1. give of your time 2. give of your abundance 3. give an ear 4. give good counsel 5. remember the unloveable 6. prayer i. A healthy attitude j. Beauty, find it in the things you see and do k. Laugh. It’s good medicine and if you learn to laugh at yourself, you will see others more clearly l. Love is giving of yourself. Don’t hold it too closely or y...
50 years of family & friends.. we have lost a few along the way … šš They were loved as much as they loved us š¹ Its a bittersweet moment because for some it was best to depart than to suffer…š· For you who have an ear to hear, listen .. with death comes life .. š„° As we continue on this journey of life, let’s make each day count .. we want to leave a legacy of love, laughter and faith .. ❤️ New beginnings start, new friends are made, and the family grows … My Puerto Rican roots … Let’s do the math š¤ … One Husband One daughter One son 4 more children and 12 grandchildren One granddaughter 2 added grandchildren soon 1 Daughter-In-Law 1 soon 2 be Daughter-In-Law 12 nieces 7 nephews 2 siblings 5 Sister-In-Laws 7 Brother-In-Laws Many and many loved friends And making new ones … It all began on February 21, 1975 The circle of my life is the gift I will leave behind … .. And the circle of life begins once again … I My family continues t...
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