Word 4 Today - Proverb 1:8-9

“Correction & Instructions” 
         Psalm 1:8-9

“My child, listen when your father corrects you. 

Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. 

What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck”

At first glance you would take this as King David speaking to his son Solomon.

Here David is giving him a strong reminder and godly
counsel to “embrace” correction and instruction.

It is wise to speak these things to children, but it is also meant for us.

As God is your Heavenly Father, He is giving this stern reminder to us.

1. Listen to correction.
This will come in various ways; teachers, mentors, employers, spouse, friend and many others.

It is good to heed what they are saying and discern if it’s wise counsel.

If so, God is stating, “pay attention” and receive what is said that it may be well with your soul.

Solomon uses the role of a father and a mother to show that it is good for parents to give correction and instruction.

If you care for another, be sure to be that role model and give constructive instruction and correction.

Remember that when this is done from a pure heart, it will make the correction easy to receive.

Proverb 12:26
Proverb 17:9
Proverbs 24:26
Proverbs 27:6-9
Proverbs 27:17


  1. Thank you very much Lydia. Amen. Love you, my mentor, and sister in Christ .


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