WORD 4 TODAY - Proverbs 16:3

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”    Proverbs‬ ‭16:3‬ ‭

It’s a complex dance—being faithful with the opportunities God gives you while also trusting Him with the variables that are out of your control.

The writer of Proverbs, typically attributed to King Solomon, said this:

It sounds simple enough to commit your work to the Lord. 
But it takes intentional effort, continual surrender, and genuine trust.

Throughout Scripture, we see all kinds of work: farming, building, pastoring, parenting, fishing, doctoring, leading, designing, singing, writing, engineering, shepherding, and much more. 

In his letter to the Roman believers, Paul discusses talents and gifts when he says:

“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. 

So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. 

If your gift is serving others, serve them well. 

If you are a teacher, teach well. 

If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. 

If it is giving, give generously. 

If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously.    

And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.”
‭‭               Romans‬ ‭12:6-8‬ 

Several ways we can commit our work to God is:

Honoring Him with your efforts

Value the people you interact with

Faithfully returning the tithe

Promoting truth and love 

Living graciously and generously

Thoughtfully utilizing your time

Allow your God given talent to glorify Him

You can plant a seed in good soil, position it for ideal sunlight, and water it consistently, but it’s God who gave you the seed and it’s God who makes the seed grow.

Remember this: 
Our job is obedience…

God’s job is everything else. 

So whatever you do, commit your work, your efforts, and your life to Him and watch Him work through you.  Amen


  1. Aww sweet Sister, thank you for your kindness!

    Yes, we truly have a special relationship as together we stood believing Christ would protect our family!

    Let's keep that boldness and continue to run this race.
    Love you! 😘

  2. I totally understand how easy it is at times to get discouraged when others do not respond.

    Whether it is to godly counsel, God’s call or anything spiritual.

    For me, during these days of illness, I have found myself frustrated, angry, giving up in ministry because of the lack of respect and response to God’s Word.

    Like you, praise God, that He is teaching me not to look at the ladies being taught as rebellious women, but rather like sheep.
    The picture is that at times we act and behave like sheep; dumb, stubborn and needy.
    And this is okay, because like sheep, we have the True Shepherd.

    So I am learning to keep plowing, keep planting, keep praying…. God is Faithful to do the work.

    Wow, let me share with you that this morning my devotion was Luke 11
    Versus 28-32.

    Check it out!
    1. This evil generation still looking 4 a sign, rather than to go study and read God’s Word 4 signs.

    2. Trip on who will stand up against these seekers at judgement day…
    Nineveh, the Queen of Sheba and yes, Jesus Christ himself!

    3. Like Jesus did and completed the work His Father called Him to do,
    so should we!
    It was finished with much heartbreak as the people that He came to save, rejected Him.

    Let us too, remember that many will reject God’s work. It really doesn’t matter who is doing it.

    But the few that we can reach, what a glorious blessing it is for them, for us and for heaven!


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