WORD 4 TODAY - 2 Timothy 3:15

“from childhood, you have been taught the holy scriptures, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus”.

In this passage Paul writes to a young Timothy, who Paul has left in charge of the church. 

Poor Timothy, he had been with Paul on missionary trips and witnessed the close walk Paul had with the LORD.
Wow, Timothy is young and timid. Probably thinking how difficult it will be to come out from behind Paul’s shadow?

Now Paul nearing the end of life, wants to encourage Timothy, to be strong and of good character and to take on His calling.

Paul reminds Timothy that he has been brought up in God’s ways, therefore you do what God has called you to do, which is to pastor the sheep.

Tough task for the young Timothy, especially now that false teachers are coming into the church.

You too are called to be God’s minister right there where you are!

Are you ministering to those around you?


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