
Showing posts from March, 2016

April Prayer Request

May God continue to hear the voices of our prayers as we continue to seek Him for our families, our country, the church, our Christians brothers and sisters worldwide and for our prayer requests. Today I was reminded to sound the trumpet call to All Christians. We must wake up & arise from our slumber and our comfortable state and begin to pray N fast. Our weapon of prayer is a powerful tool that we must constantly use. Prayer changes things, people and events and it will even move the heart of God. It is time that " If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and PRAY and SEEK My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. " 2 Chronicles 7:14.  " Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now 5 of them were wise and 5 were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with the,...

A Perfect State - Chapter 13

Have you ever wondered what Adam did during the day while in the Garden of Eden? How were his days spent? Adam had the blessing of talking and playing with God’s precious creatures while God took care of watching over them.  This place was God’s perfect state given to man and all of His creation. Imagine the variety of animals! Big ones, small ones, insects, birds and Adam knew all of them because it was Adam who named them. How amazing that there could be a place where everyone could enjoy each other and got along. There wasn’t any envy or jealousy, no fear between Adam and the animals. Everything was so unimaginably perfect. Let’s close our eyes for a moment and let’s imagine God’s Love and beauty and how it was reflected in this perfect paradise through all His wonderful creations that He created for   His good pleasure .  What do you see? Can you envision the animals coming over to sit and eat with Adam? We know that it was Adam who named every ani...

In My Own Words - Chapter 12

  As a parent, when your child shares with you that they are living an alternate lifestyle, you will struggle with issues of disappointment, shame and wonder of what went wrong. These are emotions that you must conquered from within your own heart, because at the end of the day your love for your child far outweighs your issues. Therefore, seek peace within yourself so that a stronger relationship with your child can emerge from this. Since having to deal with my daughter's decision to choose this lifestyle, I have founded some understanding of what my child has had to struggle with and see some of the challenges that she lives with today and will continue to do so. It was through Deb's group where I had an opportunity to meet other parent's children and listen to their story. I remember going into the meeting with a scary thinking of what and why am I doing this? I did not realize how deeply this resentment was in my ...

The Lord's Prayer - Chapter 11

The Lord’s Prayer has 5 key points.  Prayer to worship God       Prayer for God’s Will       Prayer for our needs  Prayer for forgiveness       Prayer for God’s Will in your life. In listening to several pastors speaking on prayer I was reminded about the importance of prayer on a daily basis because that is the wisest way to start our day. We need to seal ourselves with God’s protection, God’s wisdom, God’s blessings and God’s forgiveness. Yet, I must admit that I am just realizing the importance of prayer in my life and what a powerful difference it is making in my daily encounters and decisions. I now find myself more mindful about praying short and quick prayers throughout the day as things come up. These quick prayers are becoming as natural as breathing.  Having made this commitment to fast N pray for 2016 has been good for me. I am so thankful to the Lord for putting this project together ...