A Worldly Christian

As I’m learning about Lot’s character, I must be honest and say that it has been an eye-opener! I learned how under Abraham’s umbrella, Lot was blessed because God blesses Abraham, whom He calls “a friend”. Due to the division between their herds men, Abraham decided that it would be best for Lot and him to separate. Abraham though he was the oldest, gave Lot 1st choice to choose which side of the land he wanted. Without asking God what he should do, (like me at times), Lot looked up and scoped the land. It was towards Sodom that he saw the green pasture for his cattle and decided that he and his family would go in that direction. How many times have you made decisions about what would be best for you and the family, without considering God? As the story goes, we see the woes that will fall on Lot because of his reckless decision. The city and its people are a perverted bunch. Lot’s once tender heart has now been hardened by the wickedness of Sodom. His two daughters marry ...