Awaiting Your Arrival

My dear first grandchild, I am not sure where to start or what I want to say. You see, I never thought about having you come into my life before. Such a surprise to learn that you my dear child was already being perfectly fitted and well put together by God within your Mama’s womb. It was July 29, 2023 on a Saturday when your Daddy came over with the above box and the note was inside. Both your Auntie Di and I let out a scream of joy and surprise. We were talking at a 200 miles an hour, and for us Puerto Ricans that is just about right, when we get excited. As you can see, someone thought that you would be a boy. But you showed us all then that there would be no stopping you once you make up your mind! So glad that you are almost here. Your due date is not until 3/11/2024, so we still have 11 days to go (less than 2 weeks). I try to imagine what you would look like? Tiny, light, crying, and perfect. Will you know your Dad? Will you recognize his voice? Will you wonder who are all these...