
Showing posts from May, 2016

Love Is

Love is  an emotion from deep within your heart that brings out many different feelings such as mercy when mercy in needed, compassion when compassion is called for, strength when needed and prayer at all times. Love is  a strong emotion with no limits. Love is  simple and pure when nurtured. Love  is your desire for the best of your loved ones Love is  freely given with all the heart and nothing is asked in return. Love is  strongest   when it has been hurt. Love is  always ready to   stand with thee. Love is  forgiveness.  When love has been offended it can be hurtful.  But because  Love is  forgiveness, you will choose to forgive and set them free. Love is  always in your heart. Love is  the greatest commandment given to us from God Love is  returned to us in a double blessing.   Love is friendship. Love is  freely given without any strings. Love does ...

Our Open Letter

                      I want to share with you a heartbreak that we all must endure. Its titled "My Open Letter".  This is my letter to my beloved letting him know that he had been an example to me and I will always love him for it. He has taught me to keep my faith and run the race. Beloved, It’s been some time now that you left us and it really does hurt. I miss you so much, but I rejoice in knowing that you have ran your race and reached the finish line, and I’m so proud of you! You have finished your own marathon and you finished well. It was a tough race and you staggered and at times you stopped along the wayside, but you got up and continued the race to the end. Now all the rewards of the race are yours to enjoy. You can soon share with us about your strategy and how you overcame the many obstacles that were in your path. In your own special way you can tell us the story of triumph and of pain. How at tim...

Just Like Eve

          So when the woman saw that the tree   was   good for food, That it   was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make   one   wise, She took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate .        Genesis 3:6 How many times have you willingly been deceived because  you wanted your own way?  You didn’t want to hear the truth and continued to give yourself  silly reasons as to why you should believe the lie.  You have convinced yourself and now are trying to convince others. But, you are going to have your own way. The Holy Spirit is whispering to you, “don’t be deceived.  This is not what I want for you and the trap has been set for you.  My child, trust Me.” But, you are going to have your own way. You see the red flags and those very close to you are trying  to reason with you. But, yo...

For The Giant In My Life

  This is for those who are facing a giant in their life today. Let your heart not be troubled for God knows where you are and what He is going to do about it.  Just place your trust in Him and put this trial into His hands, then watch and pray as God will go before you to fight this battle. You need to stand on this precious promise from Him in Psalm 37. This is just 4 you. Don’t worry about the wicked      or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away.      Like spring flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the   Lord   and do good.      Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the   Lord ,      and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the   Lord .      Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,      and...

Mother's Day When Your Mom Has Passed - A Tribute To Mom

    When your mom has passed, Mother's Day is a difficult holiday to get through. Not only is every holiday without her hard to experience, but Mother's Day is especially tough. While others are celebrating their mothers, taking them out to eat, or even just making a phone call, those of us who have lost a mother feel a little empty this holiday. What we wouldn't give to hear her voice again, to feel her warm embrace, or to have her in our lives this day. When my mom first passed away, I was incredibly bitter during this time of the year. I was stuck in a “Why me?” way of thinking and felt it was unfair that everyone could celebrate while I was stuck sulking. I remember seeing moms with their daughters out in public and feeling immense envy for the ability to be able to spend time together, even for something mundane like grocery shopping.  Do they know how lucky they are to still have their mothers? Do they treat them well and tell them how much they love the...

My Buddy, My Pal and My Friend

This is dedicated to all the dog lovers. I never truly understood the bond between a dog and a person until just a few years ago. Previously my experience with dogs was your typical family animal that the kids wanted. It began with a goldfish, hamster then a cat or dog. As a teenager I lived with a Jewish family who were fond of poodles. Our foster Mom had three (3) poodles. Two were older and the princess was a young spoiled brat named “Midget.” These 3 dogs slept with them and they were treated like humans, especially Midget. She would pranced around like the queen of the hill and of course she was Mom’s favorite. The dogs were so pampered with special grooming, food and special treatment. Not used to owning a dog I found Mom’s behavior and love towards them as totally “weird”. I used to think that she was an old lonely soul that paid more attention to her dogs than she did to her husband (teenage thinking)\, of course this was not true. Over the years I often thought of Mom...