
Showing posts from September, 2016

Shout Out

                          Just received the book and could not put it down. Wow, thanks Bianca for such an easy read that speaks right to the heart. This morning I awoke with this restlessness within my soul that I just couldn’t shake off. This all came up while I was reading Play With Fire yesterday. So this morning on my walk I began to talk with God asking Him to show me what is this thing I’m feeling deep inside within my heart. And presto, He answered. I have always felt “less than everyone, uncertain of myself and in need of reassurance. Is this low self-esteem or pride? Why do I need to always look “for that reassurance” that I’ve done well? Always needing that “ pat on the back. I now see how I have used people to help satisfy this void inside of me. Our gracious Lord took me on a mind journey showing me all His goodness, as I began to see all that I have been able to overcome by the blood of the lam...

Time 2 Pray 4 Revival

      Time 2 Pray 4 Revival Prayer request : Please pray with me for  this young child, Summer who desperately needs the love and protection of our Lord Jesus. Please pray for God to expose any danger towards my young friend. Thank you, job leon Lately I have been feeling like Jeremiah, “ The Weeping Prophet ”.  I can see the ugly things that are happening within our borders, here in America, and it makes me very sad. America has turned her back on God. She has lost her 1 st love. You can see the chaos, the violence, the hatred, the anger, the lies, the corruption and all sorts of evil that is being called “good”. Our young generation are confused and lost. They can’t distinguish between what’s right and what’s wrong. They are on their own and have no concept of who God is, because they have yet to experience God for themselves. Our children who have been brought up in church are in the cross fire between the Truth (God’s ways) and the Deception (fro...


Some people will not allow themselves to get rescued. They are in stuck and believe that they are not worthy of being saved. In their mind they do not understand what hope is, and in their heart they believe that they have gone too far, always disappointing others, just not worth a 2 nd  chance and the many more excuses they seem to have. Cut & paste this beautiful African song called " My Angel " According to the bible dictionary “Hope” is; t o trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future. So sit down for we will have a bible lesson. There are several Hebrew verbs that may in certain contexts be translated "to hope" in English. One of them,” qawa ” may denote "hope" in the sense of "trust," as when Jeremiah addresses God, "Our hope is in you" (   Jeremiah 14:22   ). He also u...

Let Us walk in the Spirit of the Living God

Don’t you know that you are the tabernacle of God who now dwells within you, for this is the New Covenant?  Do you understand the full concept of the power of God’s Spirit in you? Let’s read Romans 12 to understand just how much of a conqueror we are and should be walking in this truth.  Get out your pencil and circle the areas that you need to pray about, so that you can be all that God has intended you to be, as you continue to Walk in the Spirit of the Living God! A Living Sacrifice to God And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let us be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Let us not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect! How powerful this truth is t...

September Prayer Request

September Prayer Requests       Do you enjoy receiving prayer for your loved ones? How much time to give to prayer? How is your heart and attitude when you pray? These are hard questions that we must ask ourselves. We need to understand that prayer is a command from the Lord.  Prayer is a privilege that changes “You” Effective Prayer   Mark 14:38 Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” Isaiah 62:6 O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the  Lord . Matthew 7:7-8  “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to every...

The Lone Ranger

I just returned from a family reunion in Chicago and was totally blessed to know that God indeed had a plan and a purpose for me. Let me explain. Every time I travel to meet my family I call it "a missionary trip" because its very important for me to share God's love and Word with them. I long to see my family saved and walking in the truth of God's Word.  I had been praying for God to use me on this trip and I know that He did, so now I will wait and see how God will move in their lives. I long to see some fruit all for His glory. I will watch and pray for His work to be accomplished. On my 1st day back home I was walking in the park and a very friendly young man dressed in Los Angeles Raider shirt, shorts and long socks wearing flip flops smiles and said "Good morning". I enjoy the fresh mornings because its a new day. I smile and tell him Good morning and what a beautiful day it is? We agree and he begins to tell me about his God and how grateful ...