Shout Out

Just received the book and could not put it down. Wow, thanks Bianca for such an easy read that speaks right to the heart. This morning I awoke with this restlessness within my soul that I just couldn’t shake off. This all came up while I was reading Play With Fire yesterday. So this morning on my walk I began to talk with God asking Him to show me what is this thing I’m feeling deep inside within my heart. And presto, He answered. I have always felt “less than everyone, uncertain of myself and in need of reassurance. Is this low self-esteem or pride? Why do I need to always look “for that reassurance” that I’ve done well? Always needing that “ pat on the back. I now see how I have used people to help satisfy this void inside of me. Our gracious Lord took me on a mind journey showing me all His goodness, as I began to see all that I have been able to overcome by the blood of the lam...