Live Laugh Pray

A reminder to remember what is really important. Trials, sufferings and afflictions will always be a part of our lives, but we can be strong and courageous. We have God’s Word which is the truth that we have filled with God’s blessings and promises, which is what the world needs. If you know the bible and keep that Word of God in your heart, you shall be more than overcomers! Your life will be rich and fruitful because you will learn of hope and direction for your life and receive the fruits of the Spirit of God which are; love, real joy, true peace, self-control, faithfulness, kindness, long suffering and goodness. These are the things that our world needs today. You need to know God and His Word. You need to find, seek and search for truth yourself. It is not enough to just go to church whenever you feel like it and just let someone else read God’s Word to you. If that is what you want because that is how you were taught or because it is more convenient for ...