Spiritual Warfare / Mental Illness

Episode 3/23/2024 - in transition of weaning off antidepressant. Description: Tough, strange, unique, scary as I try calming my breathing. Feeling airway tightening. Must calm down, relax and concentrate on slow and deep breaths. Have been feeling this lack of energy and not wanting to do anything! Can’t seem to concentrate on my communion paper. It’s all there just need to put together! Why can I not get into it? Have no desire. What is going on? Is this depression? Just want to stay in bed and pj’s? I lay down and a strong “thought” flashes. Bad headache, also feeling “cabin fever” so I drive to gym. Gotta stay focus. Gotta get out of here… Body and mind in turmoil. No peace. Is this spiritual warfare? Father, I belong to You alone. You are MY God and I need YOU. 3/24/2024 Palm Sunday and the LORD is entering into the city, one last time. Stayed in bed until 1pm. My mind and body feels energized. Looking forward to working on “communion paper.” Father, what are...